Our Services
Investment into Future Asphalters
Why we are leading the change
The number one reason that minorities leave the asphalt industry is because of the lack of genuine effort from businesses to push progression, develop opportunities and create safe spaces for people to thrive and feel like they belong in the workplace.
The Victorian Social Procurement Framework shifts the accountability onto Major Project tendering companies to make a commitment to expand their supplier chains to include social benefit suppliers, provide job opportunities to minority workers and demonstrate their gender equitable employment practices. Successful tendering companies are held to their commitments and required to report on their impact throughout their involvement on the project.
Furthermore, Victoria has published their Our equal state: Victoria’s gender equality strategy and action plan 2023–2027 which works in conjunction with the Pride in our future and Free from violence policies to promote a more equitable and gender inclusive state. Major Projects now have gender targets embedded in their contracts as one of their strategies to grow more gender diversity throughout the construction sector.
Amarapave was created to help our industry understand these policies and work with companies to maximise their positive impacts. We are firm believers that this approach will not only solve the skills shortage our industry is facing but also make our industry more innovative and attractive to new people wanting to explore a trade career. ​
Click on the + on each of the policies to read more about what Victoria is doing to build a more equitable future for all Victorians.